Vivian Maier – ein unbekannter Diamant

Ich bin persönlich ein sehr großer Fan von Vivian Maier`s Arbeit.
Nicht nur da Sie ein wunderbares Gespür für Fotografie hatte, sondern da jedes Bild einen traurigen Beigeschmack mitführt:

Vivian Maier zeige niemanden in ihrem gesamten Leben auch nur ein einzelnes Bild, welche Sie täglich in großer Zahl ablichtete. Unbekannt und arm verstarb Sie nur kurze Zeit bevor Ihre Arbeit in einem kleinen Kellerabteil ersteigert wurde.
Mittlerweile zählt sie zu den größten Fotografen der Weltgeschichte.

Is it ok what we do? – Streetphotography

The practice of observing and photographing people in candid situations is a direct expression of human curiosity. A street photographer recognizes in a split second the visual potential of any number of human interactions, individual expressions, and patterns occurring in a public space and typically attempts to keep a decisive moment undisturbed by not alerting the subject. One approach is to stay as low key as possible, for instance by pretending to aim the camera at something other than the intended individual. A more aggressive approach may involve a sudden move towards a subject, perhaps with a handheld flash. Here, the singled out passerby usually does become aware, but by that time the shutter has already been released.

BYSTANDER – The History of Streetphotography


This work is a chronicle of the photographic genre created from the chaotic energy of everyday street life. It grew out of a 15-year collaboration between an esteemed curator and a distinguished photographer. The work of such celebrated masters as Arget, Stieglitz, Cartier-bresson, Brassai, Walker Evans, Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand is presented here, along with extraordinary photos by complete unknowns. Colin Westerbeck’s text illuminates each image and he has also contributed a new illustrated afterword for this paperback edition, which examines contemporary street photography.