Design Ästhetik

Unterschiedliche Artikel zum Thema Ästhetik in Design:


„What on Earth is a Design Aesthetic & why do I need one?“

von Daniel Schwarz, 2. Mai 2016

Aesthetics is a study of the mind and how our Brains Interpret something as being beautiful or ugly. It is crucial for design because our first interaction with almost anything is based on how it Looks. Judging books by their covers – we all do it. A „design aesthetic“, therefore, is a style.

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„Gutes Design ist ästhetisch – stimmt das?“

von Angelika Eckert, Interview mit Jochen Rädeker, 13. September 2016

Unbenommen ist Ästhetik einer der wesentlichen Faktoren für Lebensqualität. Dinge, die ästhetisch gestaltet sind oder per se ästhetisch sind, wirken besser. Studien belegen, dass man einer schönen Frau lieber zuhört, dass schönere Menschen glücklicher sind, weil sie positives Feedback bekommen. Wir umgeben uns lieber mit schönen Dingen, das ist so und gilt selbstverständlich auch weiterhin fürs Design. Wenn wir also unser Leben ästhetischer gestalten möchten, sollten wir das tun, auch als Designer. Es ist aber nicht zwingend ein Gestaltungsprinzip – das würde ich daher lieber umbenennen in »Richtig ist das neue Schön«.

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„Corporate Design: Ästhetik als Erfolgscode?“

von Hella Kemper, Interview mit Priska Tosch, 22. November 2001

Auf ihrer Firmenbroschüre steht groß geschrieben: „Ist Ästhetik ein Erfolgs-Code?“ Wie wichtig ist Ästhetik? Welche Rolle spielt sie?
Für welche Berufsgruppen ist eine ästhetische Selbstdarstellung besonders wichtig?
Ist es in den vergangenen Jahren wichtiger geworden, einen „schicken“ Eindruck zu machen?
Was macht eine gelungene Ästhetik aus? Nach welchen Regeln funktioniert ein erfolgreiches Corporate Design?
Wie lässt sich die Imagesteigerung messen? Was bedeutet Erfolg im Zusammenhang mit Corporate Design?

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„Design principle: Aesthetics – The power of beauty in design“

von Anton Nikolov, 23. April 2017

Today’s article is about understanding what is aesthetic design and its importance for the perception of usability. Humans like pretty and shiny design; they desire it much more than functional one.
We enjoy looking and using aesthetically pleasing design, because it satisfies our senses, it gives us pleasure.
Designers tend to think of aesthetics as the visuals of the design. However, aesthetic design consists of more elements than just how it looks.

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„Ten basic principles of Visual Design“

von José Torre, 9. Juni 2017

Yesterday I was listening to a podcast and heard someone who was about to ask a question saying something along the lines of „..long time fan, first time caller…“ and for some reason that got me thinking about Medium. I’ve been consuming content here for a long time but have never contributed myself with my 2 cents. Today is the day this changes.
As my introduction I decided to write about something close to my heart, Visual Design (aka graphic design), more specifically the basic principles I learned to use which I consider essentials for me to perform my job well.

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„Top Graphic Design Trends 2018: The ultimate Guide“

von iveta, Oktober 2017

In the era of digital art, graphic design Trends can evaporate as quickly as they emerged. What has been modern for the past few years may look entirely outdated in 2018. While some Trends have stood the test of time, others have vanished in the blink of an eye only to make room for new modern looks. So, if you are looking for an antonym of boring, this would be – graphic design Trends 2018.

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„9 innovative logo design trends for 2018“

von workerbee, Dezember 2017

A logo is not only the face of a Business, but also a symbol of the era in which it was created. Recognizing logo design Trends is an essential part of choosing a logo design style which feels fresh and relevant, and there’s no better time to get on track than the dawn of the new year.

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„Web Design Trends 2018: What Will Make An Impact This Year?“

von Oliver Lindberg, 3. Januar 2018

Last year was very much about web animations and microinteractions, conversational interfaces and chatbots, design sprints and bespoke illustrations. Even an approach that rejected mainstream web design trends became a trend itself: brutalism.
All of these trends are going to grow in 2018. In fact, Andy Budd, co-founder of pioneering UX consultancy Clearleft, thinks the subtle shift from UX design to digital service design is going to continue, and that we’re going to see much more interest in the field of service design from the digital sector this year.
Other web design trends also originated many months ago, but are now maturing and entering the mainstream. Cohesive experiences, which we predicted in our 2017 web design trends article, are now becoming a necessity.

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„What Role Do Aesthetics Play In The Design Of A Website?“

von Steven Bradley, 24. Februar 2014

Design does not equal making things pretty, but a significant number of people seem to think it does. They think aesthetics are design and somehow think all the other things designers do just happen on their own. I’m sure you’d agree that good design doesn’t just happen.
They may not equal design, but aesthetics are part of design. Where do they fit? What role do they play? Where should they come from? As I’ve been doing the last few weeks, I want to think out loud, this time about aesthetics and web design.

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„Understanding And Using Emerging Aesthetic Design Trends“

von Bill Dorr, 1. Januar 2017

While there are many different types of trends you can and should reference throughout the new product design and development process including macro, consumer and industry, aesthetic design trends may be some of the harder nuts to crack. These trends can be viewed as completely subjective and the result of “artistic styling” or “personal taste” without the right framework and context of understanding.

An aesthetic design trend is composed of elements such as form, shape, proportion, color, materials, finish, texture and typography that create a distinct visual personality. A vast array of design styles and trends exists in the market simultaneously, for example you can buy Arts & Crafts, Mid Century Modern or Early American style furniture today; Aesthetic design trends, however, inform future trajectories that are most likely to influence how we design and experience products for the coming decades.

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