Attention Management ⎯ 3


Following the interviews, I summarised the data in a table in order to obtain a uniform overview.
It is remarkable that all those who work with many devices stated that they are very often distracted while they want to concentrate. This is where a connection can be seen. I have summarized the collected data into two personas.


„A secretary who helps to focus on the essential things during my work and also during my rest periods would be awesome – whether real or virtual.“

Technophile programmer
He is 27 years old and lives alone in a medium-sized apartment in Graz. Mathias is employed by a large company and is allowed to work in his home office. His income is about average for a programmer and he spends most of his money on having dinner with friends. Although Mathias works at home, he has a very hectic life – for which he is probably responsible himself. This is because he is constantly distracted by notifications from his devices. Not only during working hours, but also when he wants to take a rest – so it is often difficult for him to fall asleep in the evening, as he has to check every notification immediately. Although he is actually a programmer, e-mails and phone calls take up most of his time.

Mathias is quite extensively equipped with technology in his working environment (his home). There is for example a computer, a Smartphone, a Smartwatch, as well as Smart Home devices like Philips Hue and the Apple Homepod.


„Sometimes my colleagues annoy me the most, but much more often my smartphone and customers who want to make phone calls all the time.“

Sports enthusiast architect
Sandra is 38 years old and lives in the suburbs of Vienna in a big house. She places great value on the individual design of her living space – it is no coincidence that she is an architect. Together with her husband she has a daughter, Susanne.
Besides her job, she loves sport, which is the best balance for her.
Often the stress in the office becomes too much for her – annoying calls, demanding colleagues, … She wants to be able to work in a concentrated and undisturbed way.

Sandra is relatively „normal“ equipped with technical devices. She owns a computer and a smartphone. At home, the family uses a Google Home.

⟶ Next: Research ⎯ Job stories and Key Properties

Ich bin Designer und Frontend-Entwickler von Websites und Apps. Meine Leidenschaft ist es, Design und Entwicklung zu kombinieren, und dabei den Fokus auf visuelle Ästhetik, hervorragende User Experience, Animationen und Performance zu legen.
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